Sarah Shooltheis
Self Employed
Our Platform Is Designed To Deliver Optimal Risk-Adjusted Returns. The risk Management Systems Are Always At The High Priority For Us. Our Main Task Is To Minimize Risk While Profit For Every Transaction.
It is a digital currency in which encryption techniques are used to regulate the generation of units of currency and verify the transfer of funds, operating independently of a central bank.
Cryptocurrency is similar to the official currency of a country. It is a decentralized currency of a certain value, with which you can buy products and services or invest. It will be possible to buy, sell or transfer your funds to your contacts, wherever they are in the world, in a totally private way.
There are several cryptocurrencies today. Bitcoin is still the most prominent in market cap and popularity. Bitcoin is what most people think about when they hear the word cryptocurrency. Some other popular cryptocurrencies include Litecoin, Ethereum, Ripple, Zcash, Steller, IOTA, DAI, Monero, and Dash.
Digital Asset Investments (DAI) engages mostly in cryptocurrencies trading, and mining, as well as FOREX trading. In all cases we are utilizing our proprietary Micro-Hedging technology and in house developed trading algorithms.
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